
Bungie unveils Avalanche and an April 15th Legendary Map Pack release

After twiddling our thumbs for the past twenty-four hours, Bungie has finally unveiled specifics regarding Halo 3's upcoming Legendary Map Pack and we also get introduced to an old friend that has been remade into an Avalanche.

First, let's talk confirmed details. We just learned that the Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack will be released to the XBLM on Tuesday, April 15th for a price of 800 Microsoft points. The new map pack will be comprised of three maps including Ghost Town and two others that have been veiled in secrecy. And, great new for us, this morning Bungie lifted the veil off one of those mystery with the announcement of a Halo: CE Sidewinder inspired map called (drum roll ...) Avalanche! So ... let's talk about it!

Like we said, Avalanche is a re-imagined version of the Halo fan favorite Sidewinder, staying true to the original's snowy scenery and u-shaped layout. But there are a few changes. Avalanche will feature a few additions including a plethora of snow camouflaged vehicles (including Scorpions and Hornets), man cannons and general map tweaks. Though, there will be a few things missing from Avalanche that were semi-iconic in good old Sidewinder. Bungie decided to remove the middle tunnel that ran through the map, because they wanted to focus on vehicular combat and also got rid of those evil, evil ladders. Other than that, Avalanche is a Sidewinder fan's dream come true. Joy!

Jump on over to to read a quick Q&A session with the map's designers and flip through the new Avalanche screenshots we added to the gallery below. Oh, we almost forgot! The geekiest-cool Avalanche factoid is that the map is located on the (WARNING: campaign spoiler alert) the currently under construction Halo installation that we see at the end of Halo 3. Geeky to the max!
