
RSV2's Private First Class achievement problem

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 players who played the original Rainbow Six Vegas have run into an achievement unlocking wall of annoyance. Simply put, the Private First Class achievement is broken.

You see, many gamers who fire up RSV2 and have previously played RSV are experiencing a problem where they cannot unlock the Private First Class achievement. The reason being that their initial rank is bumped up higher than private first class, because of RSV2 using RSV game saves to set the player's rank. So, upon entering multiplayer, the players' rank is greater than private first class and the achievement refuses to unlock. Teh lame! Some have found a way to work around this unlocking annoyance, but it's time consuming, a hassle and is, well ... also annoying. Ubisoft better release a title update quick and get RSV2 players their 10GS achievement. You do not want to mess with Vegas players Ubi ... you just don't.
