
Fights to break out for EQII's Game Update 44

EQ2Players is featuring a brief glimpse of EverQuest II's next major content patch, Game Update 44. Apparently, GU44 will bring The Shard of Hate to Norrath, causing fighting to erupt in the cities. Whether this is something to be stopped or promoted is up to you, as you can assist either side of the battle by speaking with the "Priests of Love" or "The Dead". There's no word on the possible repercussions of deepening or cleansing the Hate, but it sounds like the foundation for an interesting world event.

Along with the Shard of Hate, GU44 will feature a renovation to the Coalition of Tradesfolke in Freeport, similar to what was seen at the Ironforge Exchange in GU43. An option will be added for ranged weapons to be displayed instead of ranged weapons, and there will be changes to the level requirements on ranged ammunition. Lastly, a pair of new Kunarkian armored Wargs will be available, one meant for battle and the other for spell-casting. We're promised that the next update will include some pictures, so stay tuned for those.