
One Shots: Weekend ratting

As you may already know, we've been looking for a few good pilots to join our ranks here at Massively. The competition has been extremely tough, but we're almost at the end of the process. (Thank you for those who have been hanging in there!) To relax, some of us have been hanging out in EVE, enjoying many of the different aspects of game-play. Today's One Shot comes from one such (noob) adventure -- mine! This was taken while running a mission in Minmatar space, with a pile of rats bearing down on me, and a mining colony to save. Also: yum, lots of salvage.

Do you have a great screenshot of Corp war, or of something equally exciting sitting in your screenshot folder gathering virtual dust? Why let it languish? Send those screenshots on to us at along with whatever information you'd like to tell us about the scene in the picture. It could be here next. Until then, fly safe!