
Call of Duty 4 DLC in the works for PC

As excited as we are about new maps for Call of Duty 4, we have to admit to being a bit perplexed as to why we weren't hearing anything about the content coming to PCs, the system that's usually first in line for downloadable content. Now, after reading a recent post on Infinity Ward spokesman "fourzerotwo"/Robert Bowling's blog, we're even more confused.

Bowling writes that while no plans have been announced, "we are working to bring PC users the same content in the future, however logistics are being worked out on how to make that happen." Wait, can't they just download a file? After all they -- hey! Wait a minute, we get it now! Maybe by "logistics" he means "how to charge money for them." Now that would make perfect sense. Sure, there are other things he could mean, but our monetization sense is definitely tingling.