
Purchase Mass Effect and points, get free gift card [update]

Update: Doh! Best Buy's Mass Effect offer isn't as good as we initially thought. Instead of getting a free gift card and MS points with a game purchase, you'll instead have to buy BOTH Mass Effect and a 1600 MS point card to get a free $10 gift card. Sorry for our mistake. We will be giving ourselves 1600 lashes with a wet reed as punishment.

This is an official purchasing alert to all fanboys who are on the Mass Effect-future-purchase-fence. This week, over on, you can grab Mass Effect for $59 and, if you purchase a 1600 Microsoft points card at the same time, they'll throw in a free $10 gift card. and 1600 Microsoft points. Just hit up for the complete deets. You can also score a $10 Best Buy gift card with the purchase of Lost Odyssey or Oblivion: GOTY Edition. Since we're talking Sunday deals, we'll also mention that Circuit City is offering a free $10 gift card with a Dark Sector purchase and giving away Call of Duty 2 with a Call of Duty 4: GOTY Edition purchase. W00t, w00t!

Those are the deals we came across, so spend wisely, stay informed and be sure to blow your entire paycheck on the hobby you love. Just don't blame us when you get evicted from your apartment and are forced to game on the streets.