
Wii Wheel pricing leaked by GameStop

According to a recent weekly ad from GameStop (pictured above), the Wii Wheel will end up costing $14.99 in the U.S. (Note: Although this price for a standalone Wii Wheel has yet to be confirmed by Nintendo, GameStop tends to be accurate about these things.)

That seems like a lot of money for a plastic shell, don't you think? It's true that the Wii Zapper costs more, but at least that comes with a Link's Crossbow Training pack-in. Plus, we don't think we're being too hypocritical, considering we haven't bough ourselves a Zapper, either.

Mario Kart Wii will come with a Wii Wheel, so if you find the experience of playing with it to be incredibly awesome, you might decide to fork over the extra cash to buy some more. Being the cheapskates we are, though, we'd much rather get used to playing with the Wiimote alone, or just hook-up our GameCube or Classic controllers.

Gallery: Mario Kart Wii

[Via Gizmodo]