
Fanstuff: Custom Halo Skull

Continuing our procession of custom Halo 3 work (though this time with no late night mess-ups on our part) we have a piece of real world custom Halo art coming to us directly from the crew over at Destructoid. Poster free touch used a variety of materials and tools to produce a highly impressive version of the Grunt Birthday Party Skull from Halo's 2 and 3. Starting the process with a Halloween prop and creating a plaster mold from there, free touch then skillfully sanded, painted, molded, and carved to eventually produce the sculpture that you see here. Molded after the so called "Viva Pinata" skull, free touch's real world skull also has a large candle shape embedded into the forehead and an input plug at the base. As of right now it's a one of a kind piece, though free touch does note that he has kept the mold, likely in case he has the urge to complete the set. We hope he does.

[Thanks EternalDarkWing!]
