
Teenage Zombies: Launch Party of the Alien Brain Thingys

Throngs of the walking dead children and people with nothing else to do will descend upon the Nintendo World Store on April 12th for a Teenage Zombies: Invasion of the Alien Brain Thingys release party. We're quite surprised -- Teenage Zombies doesn't seem like the kind of high-profile game that usually gets honored by an event like this. It's usually first-party games, anticipated third-party games in established series, and, of course, big licenses.

If you're at all interested in this game, and, of course, you're in the New York area, this is your chance to go and high-five the other Brain Thingys fans and probably pick up some kind of promo thingys! It's at the Nintendo World Store in New York City, on April 12th, from 11 to 4 (a NWS employee informed us of the time change when we called).

[Via GoNintendo]