
Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 is really real

Snooping through the Australian OFLC's video game ratings website, a new and totally unannounced video game full of geometry has been discovered, resulting in us being uber excited.

The OFLC just published a listing for Geometry Wars Retro Evolved 2 today, which is super great news, except for the fact it doesn't look to be a 360 exclusive. According to the listing, the game is being published by Activision (and being authored by them as well) rather then Bizarre Creations and is categorized to be "multi-platform". That's about all the info we can pull from this ratings post and it's great to hear that we'll be treated to a true sequel (Geometry Wars: Waves doesn't count), even though we have to share with non-360 gamers. Bring on the geometry!

[Via Game Stooge]