
More DLC arrives for Two Worlds

Stop the presses! What's that, we don't have presses? Well then carry on! Ladies and gentlemen another momentous day is upon us as yet another piece of downloadable content has arrived for Two Worlds. Honestly, we're hard-pressed to tell the difference between this round of DLC and the pack that was released last month. Both contain 35 new quests and a PVP mode in which players "battle one another in an innovative player-versus-player challenge where opponents battle to control magical orbs within a variety of arenas." No, seriously, the press releases for each piece of DLC used the exact same wording to describe the new PVP mode. So, we're not sure if both packs come with the same PVP arenas or not. Still, that's a total of 70 new quests if you're so inclined. Oh, and just so you can tell them apart, the newest piece of DLC is called Curse of Souls. It will run you 600 Microsoft Points.