
See a new trailer for Halo 3's Legendary map pack

Wow, this new trailer for the Halo 3 Legendary map pack sure has us feeling nostalgic, and it's not just because two of the three maps are remakes! The trailer reminds us of the mid-autumn media frenzy that was the Halo 3 launch, with all its glitz and splendor. Those were high times for the video game blogger.

Back then it was just "OMG, this is new media for Halo 3! Consume!" You didn't have to worry about what you wrote because you knew no one was reading it. Check some of those old jams out, we bet half of them are just "All work and no play makes Joystiq a dull boy" over and over again. In fact, we're feeling so nostalgic for those halcyon days that we're about to go old school and leave this post with a completely underwhelming ending.

Gallery: Halo 3 DLC: Legendary Map Pack