
Supercharger solar panel promises to give Freeloader a boost

Solar Technology's Freeloader solar charger was already a pretty attractive option as it was, but the company's now looking to give the portable charger a bit of a boost, with its new Supercharger panel promising to cut the charging time in half. As you can see above, that's possible in part thanks to its larger size, but it's apparently also aided by some more powerful than usual photovoltaic cells (rated at 1.5 watts). All that should translate to a four hour charging time for the Freeloader, which can be done in any weather conditions thanks to the panel's weather-proofing (although some weather conditions will obviously be more effective than others). If that sounds like what you've been looking for, you can grab the Supercharger now for £20 (about $40), or grab it as part of a new Globe Trotter bundle (including a Freeloader, a Supercharger, and a carrying case) for £50, or just under $100.

[Via SmartPlanet]