
Joystiq paints a grim picture of de Blob

THQ held a preview event for their 2008 games this week, and Joystiq's Zack Stern was on the scene to play all the offerings. Luckily for us, he checked out the demo for de Blob, one of the more interesting, original games on the Wii.

Or, well, that's what we've gathered from reading previews of the game before tonight. Zack wasn't quite as enchanted with the real thing as we have been with videos.

"de Blob looks like a cuddly Wii game, but it didn't hook me like Katamari. I think certain Wii owners will enjoy it, but the novelty didn't last long on me." He does mention that two-player matches "add a little more depth." We're a bit disappointed, but still convinced that there's a high probability of awesomeness within de Blob.


[Boxart via Gamefly]