
One Shots: Rock Bard meets LotRO

It's time for another gaming Sunday! You know, that day of the week when many of us try to cram in as much gaming as time will permit, with some of us either multiboxing or just bouncing between as many games as we possibly can? Well, here's one group's creative take on it, managing to get in some Lord of the Rings Online in along with Rock Band time! As Wookadan from the Meneldor server tells us:

While hanging out in the Auction House, a trio came in and started playing music for us to enjoy while shopping!

Okay, so it's not quite Rock Band, but if you could somehow get the guitar controllers mapped to key commands on the PC, that could make playing a Bard a lot more fun in a bunch of different games! (We'd play it!)

Do you have an interesting screenshot of things going on in your online gaming world? Perhaps you've found something off-the-beaten-path that you think others might enjoy seeing. Whatever the reason or story, snag those screenshots and toss them into a mail to us at oneshots AT massively. DOT com. We can always use more screens!