
Two little words

We're still waiting on answers to our queries to Linden Lab in the wake of their altered trademark policies. We're assured that we might get some sometime soon.

In the meantime we thought you might just be interested in seeing the list of extra words that Linden Lab have trademark applications in for, and that you might suddenly start to see Brand Center regulations and usage guidelines on.

Linden Lab has a number of trademark applications in. Practically speaking, trademark law makes it almost mandatory that you go out and register some protection. Like the road to Hell, it can start out smooth and clear and rapidly become a steep and slippery tangle.

As you're all aware by now, Second Life is a registered trademark of Linden Research Inc (aka Linden Lab), registration number 2832935. There are several other word marks pending approval at the moment though.

One of those is SL, which was submitted on 5 June 2007. There are two more that you definitely want to know about, however. The first one of those is Second (pending since 7 June 2007) and the other one is Grid (pending since 22 June 2007).

No, we're not joking, and it isn't an elaborate April Fools' day prank.

Here's the goods and services areas in which Linden Research Inc will own those two words, if their applications are successful:

  • Software that is used for providing multi-user access to an on-line 3D virtual environment; computer 3D virtual environment software, namely, software for use in creating, manipulating and participating in 3D virtual environments

  • Communication services in the nature of text messaging and electronic mail services used in an online virtual environment

  • Multimedia and 3D virtual enviroment[sic] software production services

Grid doesn't have this last category, but Second does:

  • Computer services, namely, providing an on-line 3D virtual environment and providing an on-line 3D virtual environment that may be accessed by means of communications networks

Our warmest Massively thanks go to the knowledgeable and perspicacious Wiz Nordberg for digging out the list and their statuses for us all and bringing these two new words to our attention.

Grid itself is an interesting one as it steps on the common usage of the term grid for virtual worlds such as MUSHes, MUDs, MOOs and others over the last 15 to 20 years. Yes, a registered trademark can legally smother those uses -- but is it ethical to do so?

Those pending applications must be getting pretty close to approval by now. Only a couple months left, we think.