
WoW TCG Darkmoon Faire is hearthing to an inn near you

The World of Warcraft Trading Card Game traveling show, the Darkmoon Faire, is coming to Columbus, Ohio on April 11th through April 13th. For those of you who enjoy a few moments away from your computer, but dream of returning to the Sunwell every second you're gone, the Faire is the event for you! Get a little fresh air, meet some fellow Azerothians, and pick up some new cards to add to your deck. Tournament prizes include a home theater system, a high end gaming rig, and your travel expenses reimbursed!

Traveling with the caravan will be some new cards for preview and use. At the event, a Limited Darkmoon Faire Championship will be held using the March of the Legion and Servants of the Betrayer decks. This will give players a chance to sample some of the new cards during tournament play. Go ahead and log off, enter into some contests, partake in the festivities, have a little fun, interact with people from the WoW community, and defeat challengers in competitive matches!