
One Shots: Defending Weathertop

Hooray! More combat shots are coming in from various readers, showing off just what's going on in their gaming worlds. Today's screenshot comes to us from Wookadan from the Meneldor server in Lord of the Rings Online. He described this shot as "Defending Weathertop" which he says is a screen he took whole he was fighting the troll atop of Weathertop. Screens like this really show off some of the cool-looking effects that Turbine has put into this game, as well as the great detail on monsters.

Do you have some screenshots of monster-slaying (or player-slaying) in your favorite MMO? If so, gather them up, pop them into a mail with a quick description, and send them to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com. Your deeds of derring-do could be spotlighted next!