
One Shots: Calamari Damacy

Okay, okay. So calamari is squid, and Lusca would technically be takoyaki. But you have to admit, if you could deep fry and serve just one of those enormous tentacles, you could most likely feed all of Paragon City for quite some time. That is, assuming people would eat a giant mutated octopus. We didn't think to ask Matthew (who sent this great shot of Lusca-watching in) if he would.

For those of you who haven't faced this monster, Lusca is a giant sea creature that hangs out in the southern section of Independence Port in City of Heroes. To defeat the mighty Lusca, you must take down each one of the tentacles (while the rest of them are beating on you, mind) and then you are able to attack the head. Once you're done you get the shiny Devilfish badge for your trouble!

Have you seen any nasty beasts lately that would look really good on top of a bed of sticky rice? No? How about any other general nasty face-eating or face-melting types of monsters? Little ones with big sharp pointy teeth are good too. Just pack up those screenshots and send them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com. We could be trying to figure out ways to cook your monsters next!