
Samba de Amigo missing some much-needed shake

Samba de Amigo on the Dreamcast was the most relentlessly cheerful game ever, and the Wii version won't be toning down the exuberance -- just looking at this latest batch of art and screens from Sega's shake-'em-up almost brought light to the recesses of our dark, cynical hearts. But there's something gnawing at us, something that prevents us from getting all giddy over Wii Samba: the controls.

Apparently, we're not alone in this respect. A number of the recent "hands-on" articles that have appeared in the wake of the Nintendo Media Summit mention how Gearbox hasn't yet nailed this aspect of the game.

We've already discussed Joystiq's experiences (choice quote: "[...] the Remote and Nunchuk just don't feel the same as the original maracas."), and Go Nintendo felt similarly ("Unfortunately, there are still some control quirks. There are times when the Wiimote/Nunchuck will lose your positioning. This didn't happen too often, but it happened enough to make note of it.") Meanwhile, GameSpot's Ricardo Torres was perhaps the most forgiving, claiming that "the control is on its way toward being solid." Call us demanding little so-and-sos all you like, but we want solid! Not "on its way toward being solid."

The general feeling seems to be that the title is shaping up well, but that the maracas are sorely missed. If you're reading this, Sega, you know what to do.

Read: Joystiq's hands-on impressions
Read: Go Nintendo's hands-on impressions
Read: GameSpot's hands-on impressions

[Screenshots via press release]