
WiiMan is a human Wiimote

While we're not adverse to posting completely kickassexamples ofcosplay, sometimes the hobby makes us speechless for all the wrong reasons. Take, for example, WiiMan -- the white fabric-clad manboy, with a Wiimote decal on the front of his costume. Oh, and let's not forget the cape.

One cool thing about Wiiman, though, is that the Wiimote on his costume is wired to work like an actual Wiimote. Of course, that's one of those things that sounds better in theory than in practice, because feeling up some guy in a superhero costume (or watching him feel up himself) while playing Wii is something we tend to avoid.

Still, we admire WiiMan's dedication. It's not everyday you see a man dressed as a functioning Wiimote, amirite?

(Note: We know some circles won't consider this as official cosplay, but it's close enough for our standards.)

[Via Gemaga]