
Documentary Channel buys rights to 21 IMAX features

With premium content like that beamed onto IMAX screens, we had a feeling Northstar Media wouldn't have to wait long before finding buyers for its distribution rights to 21 IMAX films. Less than a month later, we find that the Documentary Channel has stepped up to the plate to bring the features to TV. The multi-year agreement with an undisclosed price (read: big bucks) gives Documentary Channel exclusive rights (read: really big bucks) to the content, bundled under the aptly-named "IMAX XXI Film package." We'll leave the rich comic potential of Tom Cruise narrating Space Station ("Hey, is that Xenu?") and Tom Hanks' take on Magnificent Desolation for our dear readers in the comments below, but this is some great content that you should keep an eye out for; if the Documentary Channel is available from your provider, that is.