
[Updated] It came from the Blog: Children's Week event on Sunday

Children's Week will be here May 1st through 7th. But you already knew that because you saw it on the nifty Upcoming Events list in the right column. Children's Week is one of my favorite Azerothian holidays because it's fun, it's for everyone and you can clutter up your bank with more non-combat pets.

So who wants to join me for celebrating Children's Week with It came from the Blog?

  • When: Sunday, May 4, 3pm PDT (4pm Server Time) [Edited to change from Saturday to Sunday]

  • Where: The Orphanage in the Valley of Honor in Orgrimmar (to the left of the ramp that leads up to the Battlemasters)

  • Server: Zangarmarsh U.S., Horde side

There will be Summoning for those who need it and don't worry about what level you are, because everyone is welcome. [Edited to add:] You may have to be level 10 to get the quest, so if you want to do more than just hang out with us, level up to 10 before Sunday.

If you aren't in the guild yet, just send a whisper to Robiness or someone else in IcftB and we'll be happy to invite you.

Come join us in making a virtual orphan's day a little brighter!