
Geo Wars and BBR leaderboards now online

Bizarre just sent word that they've completed their Spring website cleaning (thankfully, we kept tripping on the pile of boxes stacked up at the front door) and with it comes the ability to view leaderboards for Geometry Wars and Boom Boom Rocket online!

To get your online leaderboard search on, simply make your way to either the Geometry Wars leaderboard or Boom Boom Rocket leaderboard pages on Bizarre's offiicial website and you're in. Once there, you'll be able to view leaderboards for each game and even search for own gamertag to see where you fit in the mix. You'll also be able to fully comprehend how horrible you are at video games and how sad your "high scores" really are. Personally, we think anyone who scored higher than us on Geometry Wars cheated. They're all just a big group of cheaters ..