
Mastiff promotes Major League Eating with record-breaking act of gluttony

At a press event for Mastiff's virtual maw-filler Major League Eating: The Game, professional eater Tim Janus (the guy with the face paint in the screenshots) broke the world record for sushi-eating, devouring 141 pieces of sushi in six minutes. Imagine being a hapless member of the gaming press, walking into a normal game demo and ending up with a ringside seat for a guy cramming sushi into his mouth. We were a little taken aback by simply reading the press release today. If, for some reason, you'd like to see video of the momentous occasion, CNet recorded it.

This is easily the most disgusting thing done to promote a game since Acclaim's "Turok" baby-naming promotion. And it's not even that sushi is a disgusting food -- it's just not the kind of thing we'd want to see someone eat a lot of. Speaking of seeing a lot of things, be sure to feast on our newly updated gallery!


[Via press release]