
One Shots: Ringwraith smackdown

One of the things that really struck so many of us as being cool when LotRO started out was the concept of being able to put the smack down on those creepy Ringwraiths. So we were glad to see this screenshot that came in recently from Wookers, that featured his party doing just that. Of course, the thing that really made us giggle about this is that it looks like this Ringwraith has been suffering one heck of a beatdown lately -- look at it! It's hunched over and looking pretty sad. If they weren't so undeniably evil, we'd feel bad for it.

Do you have a screenshot of some righteous smackdown from your favorite game? If so, send those bad boys (or screens of bad boys and girls getting owned) to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com! The more screenshots the better, as we're soon to be left to digging through the screenshot folders of our new columnists.
