
Tecmo Bowl Kickoff lands on DS this fall

tecmo bowl

Tecmo today announced Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff for DS, a revival of the classic sports franchise that will have to make due without an NFL license. Tecmo first confirmed the work-in-progress nearly a year ago, but at the time declined to specify the intended platform, saying only, "it's probably not going to be on the platform that you're expecting." But really, is there any other system better suited to Tecmo Bowl's patented zig-zagging runs than the DS with its stylus?

Kickoff will feature arcade-style gameplay with various customization options, reports IGN. The game will also support local wireless multiplayer, as well as a Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection mode. Tecmo Bowl: Kickoff is due this fall.

Update: Here are some additional details straight from Tecmo:

  • Based on the most popular Tecmo Super Bowl

  • Customizable Teams: Choose team colors, emblems, player names, team cities and abilities

  • Super Abilities: Tactically use over-the-top plays to take over a game

  • Wi-Fi and Wireless Multiplayer: Play against friends across the country or across the room

  • Stylus Control: Feel the action by using the stylus to control your player

  • Variety of Teams: Choose from 32 different teams

  • Cut-Scenes: All-new cut-scenes showing off the dramatic presentation of various plays

  • Customizable Playbook: Prepare for gridiron greatness by customizing your playbook

  • Music and Sound Effects: Turn up the heat on your opponent as you play the game to rock 'n' roll remixes of the most memorable tunes in football gaming history!

[Via DS Fanboy]