
Gallery Walkthrough of Children's Week, Shattrath City, Horde-side

Children's Week is one of my favorite events of the year. You can get a couple of pets, some reputation and cash and, in the Shattrath City version, there be dragons. Dragons are cool.

I have chronicled my questing in this year's Shattrath City Children's Week event for the Horde in a gallery walkthrough. It's an interesting story and a nice tour of some fun spots in Outland and Azeroth, but if you also want to know the hard numbers for completing the entire quest chain, here they are:

  • Cash: At level 70, the cash total was 45 gold and 54 silver.

  • Reputation: Your Lower City Reputation increases by a total of 1760.

  • One very cute or disturbing pet.

So check out our Horde-side Children's Week in Shattrath City Gallery Walkthrough and stay tuned for more on the rest of the event.