
One Shots: Sizing up Magtheridon

What's more fun than seeing a new raid? Seeing a new raid and downing the boss on your first night in there! Today's One Shots comes to us courtesy of Kilawhar, who is the guild leader of Children of Midian in World of Warcraft. According to him, this shot was taken while he was going through the strategy for the fight. Kilawhar writes:

I'd like to give a big thanks to everyone in our casual, friendly guild for their patience as we've slowly worked our way through the raiding content in the game. For guilds like ours, it's generally a pretty long and often frustrating road -- but we made our way through! In the end it's extremely rewarding when you take down a new boss with wonderful people at your side.

Agreed. MMOGs are cool, but making friends and playing with them is what really makes it fun to many of us. Congrats on your first Mag takedown, and may you have many more!

Do you have a screenshot of a happy moment from your guild's events? Maybe you just want to brag on some of the cool people you game with. Whatever the case, we're all about sharing the gaming love. Just send those screenshots to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com. Your screens could be next!