
Valve distances themselves from PS3 development

Big Xbox 360 fanboy brownie points goes to developer Valve, not only for giving the 360 a superior version of the Orange Box, but because they openly diss the PS3. Now that's the kind of developer we love.

Chatting with CVG at a recent Left 4 Dead preview event, Valve's Doug Lombardi was blatantly honest about why they aren't planning a PS3 version of the game, saying that "we're not PS3 developers - we're doing PC and 360 like with Orange Box." Zing! Lombardi explained that "EA came to us and said 'wow, Orange box was an incredible project, can we do a PS3 version?'", so that's why a (craptacular) PS3 version was created without Valve's magic touch. Though, it's still possible we'll see Left 4 Dead on the PS3 if it becomes a huge hit on the 360 and PC, just don't expect Valve to be involved ... mwahahahaha!

[Via NeoGAF]