
Ellen Degeneres Show going HD on September 8th

High fives all around, The Ellen Degeneres Show is finally making the leap to high-definition. We've been wondering when this mega-hit would ditch its SD ways and start showing up during our morning yoga classes in high-def, and it appears that Monday, September 8th is the day to circle in your date planner. The show will be moving to a new state-of-the-art production facility on the Warner Bros. Studios lot, where it will be produced and broadcast in glorious HD. The sixth season of the show (which has been renewed through 2010 - 2011) will be shot from the completely tapeless Stage 1 complex, and considering the 50-percent increase in seating capacity, quite a few more guests will be able to squeeze in and check things out live. But who needs that when you've got Ellen in high-def?

[Image courtesy of Ecorazzi]