
One Shots: The hand is still moving

In honor of the release of Age of Conan today, we're sharing one of humorous screenshots we got from a reader who was in the Age of Conan pre-release. (It was the note that made us chuckle moreso than the screenshot, admittedly.) This screenshot comes to us from Kerrzhe, Tempest of Set from the Set server. Kerrzhe writes:

This is the end of one of the first questlines you get when you first arrive in the Stygian city of Khemi. You're sent around town looking for a guy, and this is where he turns up. Nobody seems to mind though, they're all happy for him! It's an honor to be selected by Set's chosen, even if he did scream a little at the end.
Note: The hand is still moving.
Gotta love Stygia.

Are you playing Age of Conan now? If so, we'd love to see some of your screenshots from Hyboria! But if you're not, no worries -- we welcome screens from all over. Just send those in to us here at oneshots AT!