
James Cameron: Ubisoft's 'Avatar' game is in 3D

Someone should tell James Cameron that games have been "3D" since, well ... a really long time ago. Oh, he means that other 3D. Like, the kind where things (yo-yos, swords, clowns ... shudder ... the clowns!) spring off of the movie screen at you.

Speaking at Microsoft's Advance 08 advertising conference (where his audience was surely a lively bunch, probably total gaming geeks) the Titanic director let slip that the video game based on his upcoming sci-fi epic Avatar (not The Last Airbender -- M. Night Shyamalan's got that) will be in 3D, just like the movie. CNet reports Cameron -- who's been talking up stereoscopic films, TV, books -- for the past few years told the crowd that publisher/developer Ubisoft already has a version of its Avatar game up-and-running on Xbox 360 using standard 3D glasses (the polarized sort that look like sunglasses).

(the movie) is set to hit theaters summer 2009. Avatar (the game) is tipped to precede the film's debut, although it will likely not be an MMO as originally planned.