
Team Fortress 2 DLC coming to Xbox 360, maybe not PS3

While PC owners have been gushing over the new Medic achievements and weapons upgrades in Team Fortress 2, patrons of the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3 Orange Box have gone without any non-technical updates. Valve Software marketing director Doug Lombardi told Shacknews that information on the downloadable content for Xbox 360 is forthcoming.

"How and when is still sort of being determined, on pricing and that kind of stuff. On the PC it's sort of wide open, you can release stuff whenever you want. On the console there's a little bit more of a pathway," he said, later adding, "Unfortunately I don't know that any of that will make it to the PS3." Valve did not port Orange Box to the PS3 in-house, instead giving it to EA UK – trust us, that's a good story to read up on.