
Cinemassively: Bodysnatchers

Phil Rice, one of the original machinima oldbies, released a music video for the Aniboom Radiohead music video contest. In the video, he combines Second Life, Moviestorm, Paint Shop Pro, CamStudio, and Virtual Dub to make an impressive anymation piece. For those unaware of the term "anymation," it means using any and all tools you can get your hands on to create a digital expression.

Phil involved dancers from SL, sets from Moviestorm, and drawings from Paint Shop Pro in Radiohead: Bodysnatchers. According to his blog, he had 55gb of source footage, a whopping 72 video tracks with an average of 16 compositing layers, spent 250 hours on the video, and rendering it out took 3 hours per minute of final film. Hopefully this will inspire others to break out of the box and combine more platforms.

[Via Machinima for Dummies]

If you have machinima or movie suggestions from any MMO, please send them to machinima AT massively DOT com, along with any information you might have about them.