
Hero's Journey, WRU?

We love the signs of spring; the green leaves on the trees; the children playing on the new grass; the annual news from long-in-development MMO, Hero's Journey. We have five new screenshots from the game, and we have to admit, they look absolutely fantastic. Like Darkfall Online, Hero's Journey is perennially on the verge of going into some sort of beta. And like Darkfall, they have promised the stove, refrigerator, cupboards AND kitchen sink to eager players.

Hero's Journey features complete character customization, similar to Chronicles of Spellborn; a dual-class adventure progression similar to those seen in Final Fantasy XI and Guild Wars; and a reactive combat system, similar to that seen in Vanguard. We do hope to see Hero's Journey at some point, and look forward to hearing more about its progress next year.

[Via Gamebunny]
