
One Shots: Next!

Ah, the joys of utterly destroying your enemies! There's just something to going into an area -- especially one that proved problematic -- and destroying everything. The sheer amount of MMOG "revenge" kills that probably happen every day just boggle the mind. Today's One Shots shows off just that kind of carnage from Lord of the Rings Online. Captain Finudir of Gondor sent in this screenshot of goblin destruction. He notes: in the Silverdeep Mines, no goblin should feel safe.

Do you have a screenshot of a revenge kill on a mob (or mobs) that gave you trouble but now are something you kill just for fun? Perhaps you're playing a game that we haven't seen in a while and you'd like to see your favorite game highlighted? Whatever the reason, we'd love to see your screenshots! Just drop them to us here at oneshots AT