
EGM refuses to review MGS4 due to Konami-imposed restrictions

While we're hearing lots of praise from critics about the upcoming Metal Gear Solid 4, it appears that early critics are being forced to censor certain details from their reviews. It was rumored that details about the length of cutscenes, install time, and a number of other quirks must be omitted from early print reviews. Looks like those rumors were true. EGM has decided against reviewing the hotly anticipated title in its upcoming issue, instead opting to print a five-page roundtable discussion about the game. No scores, due to "the limitations Konami wanted to impose on our comments."

Dealing with publishers involves delicate balance, and it's encouraging to see a major editorial outlet refusing to succumb to increasing demands to censor opinion pieces in games journalism. Reading a roundtable should do more than enough justice to the game -- more so, in fact, than an all-encompassing number score.