
Ask WoW Insider: Any point to starting to raid before Wrath?

Welcome to today's edition of Ask WoW Insider, in which we publish your questions for dissection by the peanut gallery -- now with extra snark and commentary by one of our writers. This week Kedou writes in:


I'm wondering what people think about starting to raid (as in, starting Kara) now, with WotLK on the horizon. Is there any point?


Why, yes, Virginia Kedou, there is a point. Ok, while it's true that Wrath will have some sort of a gear reset similar to TBC's launch, there is an advantage to raiding now: learning how to raid. If you've never raided before, it's time to jump on the horse now, while most people have Karazhan on farm. You'll need to get used to taking orders from someone and cooperating with ten of your guild mates. It's best to learn from your inevitable mistakes while your friends are there to cover for you. It'll make raiding a lot easier in Wrath if you've got the skill set down.

You'll also likely be using a lot of your epics into the 70s. Quite a few people used their level 60 epics through the mid-60s, and in some cases up until Karazhan.

I also don't expect an end to Kara raiding and the like the day Wrath goes live. There's rumors floating around that badge loot might go away with Wrath, but if all the new raids are level 80, there's probably a month or two of, and this seems to weird to phrase it this way, old-school TBC raiding.

For those of you who are heavy raiders, what advice do you give Kedou?

Got questions? Don't wait! Send them to us at ask AT wowinsider DOT com and your query could be up in lights here next week.

[edit: fixed typo in title. Remember, kids, proofreading is not just for breakfast!]