
EverQuest's killing fields

If you find a mysterious scroll pulsing with some strange, dark power, consider letting them eggheads down to Qeynos have a look at it first. Reading it aloud in the hopes it will make your crops grow better ... well, that ain't the brightest thing you ever thought. Farmer McClein got a first hand look at just how bad an idea that was in a GM event last weekend on EverQuest's Luclin server.

GM events -- impromptu adventures run by GMs disguised as monsters -- were one of EverQuest's most loved traditions. Raiders and casual players alike would be tossed together to try and figure out a puzzle, kill a certain dragon in the Swamp of No Hope that spawned just once a year, or take on a deadly, zone-wide battle against the Fawcez of Ebil. Perhaps GMs are "in world" now in support of the Living Legend promotion, perhaps MMOQuests' Stargrace was just fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time for this one, but GM events like this one bring back a time when EQ's dedicated server GMs always seemed to have something happening, somewhere in the world.