
Sugoro Chronicle: Monopoly with monsters

Sugoro Chronicle: Migite ni Tsurugi wo Hidarite ni Saikoro (Sugoro Chronicle: Sword in the Left Hand, Dice in the Right) is another hybrid board game/RPG, though unlike Dokapon Kingdom, this one seems to be original for the Wii. Sugoru Chronicle, developed by Compile Heart, uses 2D character portraits of its characters, as well as 3D models in battle.

The game is a Monopoly-like competition for acquisition of money, with a few interesting RPG-based modifications, most notably battling between characters. There are over 100 jobs the player can choose from, which seem to affect abilities in battle.

Sugoro Chronicle will be out in Japan this August. Their only Wii game to date, Sharuui Takoron, was localized as Octomania by Conspiracy Entertainment, so that would be the most likely avenue of stateside release.