
Introducing the Ninja Gaiden II page

Ladies and gentlmen, fanboys and girls, Xbox 360 Fanboy presents the Ninja Gaiden II page. This is our first page dedicated to a single game (you may have seen similar pages on Joystiq). On the page you will find all the major Ninja Gaiden II news stories, every Ninja Gaiden II screenshot, and all the Ninja Gaiden II features compiled into a single, bookmark-friendly page. The page will be updated as time goes on to include other features and stories as well (including an upcoming episode of Points>Life). This is only the first dedicated game page on X3F. Expect more to show up in the future. With major 360 exclusives right around the corner (Gears of War 2, Fable 2), there's plenty to cover.

For all things Ninja Gaiden II, check out the page right now.