
North American PSN cards available now at Meijer

We've known that PSN cards have been around for awhile now at select gas stations and areas near military forts and bases across the United States. Now, it looks like the cards are making another step towards more direct and wide scale distribution. American superstore Meijer is selling the cards this month and some people are already picking them up. Reader Mana Knight sends us pics of the cards in one of Meijer's stores. He was able to purchase one and use it.

Meijer branches are located in only a few states: Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Kentucky. So if you live in any one of those places, you could probably find the PSN cards in your local Meijer. For everyone else, it looks like it might still be awhile; however, the fact that the cards are appearing at a major retailer points to steady progression. Will we see the cards in even bigger chains nationwide by the end of summer?

[Thanks Mana Knight!]