
Rock Band 2 to feature Turbonegro, Funcom announces


Yeah, you read that right: Funcom, the creators of the Age of Conan MMO. The Norway-based studio has name-dropped "Rock Band II," despite there being no official word of the sequel from the folks who develop, publish and distribute the Rock Band franchise. Joining the ranks of two consumer surveys and a Bo Diddley obituary as unofficial bearers of Rock Band 2 news is Funcom's press release for the Age of Conan soundtrack, which proudly touts fellow Norwegian deathpunk rockers Turbonegro (or "Turboneger" as they're known around Oslo) as feature acts on the disc, who, oh by the way, are also in "the game Rock Band II."

And did you hear? Bad Religion has also been linked to the Rock Band sequel. Guitarist-songwriter Brett Gurewitz hit his Twitter watchers with this message last month: "Seven meetings and four executive decisions later, back at Sound City putting the finishing touches on 'Sorrow' for Rock Band 2."

[Via Shacknews]