
Breakfast Topic: Father's Day for gamers

Happy Father's Day, to all of youfathersout there!* If you and yours aren't the type to go out and about on a day like this, never fear. For the family that games together, I Heart Chaos has 8 great ideas for an Azerothian Father's Day. A few other things that come to mind for Dad's special day:

  1. Roll a new alt with your pops, maybe crossing your primary faction lines. Sometimes leveling together is more meaningful than twinking an alt.

  2. Talk your guild into having a Father's Day raid night! Take your dad to Karazhan or Zul'Aman, assuming he isn't further progressed than you are. Hey, don't give me that look. My raid has Dads in some pretty phat purps. Yes, I did just say 'phat'. And 'purps'. Don't judge me!

  3. Fill his mailbox with delicious cake.

Do any of you have Father's Day plans in Azeroth, or any Father's Day plans at all?

*Sorry if I missed any of you!