
Block Breaker Deluxe and Fishing Master come to WiiWare

Far too often we don't know what the heck we're looking at when we load up the new WiiWare entries for the week, so it's nice to see some familiar names this week. You're sure to remember Block Breaker Deluxe from its appearance on cell phones all over this great land. And Cocoto Fishing Master originally appeared on the PS2. Welcome home, guys, welcome home.

  • Block Breaker Deluxe (Gameloft, 1-2 players, 800 Wii Points): They say: "Prepare for the frenzy of the coolest block-breaker game ever. Block Breaker Deluxe is a reinvention of the classic arcade brick-breaker game with a trendy graphical style, fun atmosphere and an exclusive multiplayer mode. Lively characters and amazing graphics provide distinctive settings of the jet-set nightlife, including a cool bar, dance club, casino and more." We say: If you wanted to pay $8 to play Arkanoid, you should just invent a time machine and go buy it in the Sears bargain bin in 1986.

  • Cocoto Fishing Master (Neko Entertainment, 1 player, Rated E for Everyone, 700 Wii Points): They say: "Welcome to the adventures of Cocoto, Fishing Master. Get ready for a completely new experience on Wii. Play the role of Cocoto and travel the world to find five millennial fish. Only they can stop the magic cauldron from overflowing with lava and prevent the world from being destroyed. Thanks to Cocoto Fishing Master for Wii, fishing has never been such fun. Use the Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk™ controllers like a real fishing rod to catch more than 30 different fish." We say: At least it's a buck cheaper than Arkanoids: Urban Nights.