
Metaverse Mod Squad raises over $200,000 from Angel Investors

Back in 1970, futurist Alvin Toffler coined the term "Future Shock", which is the personal perception of too much change in too short a time. While reading a press release for a virtual avatar staffing company, future shock hit this blogger upside the head like a ton of bricks. Thirty eight years after Toffler described the trouble people were having keeping pace with the ever-increasing rate of technological progress, a company has acquired $200,000 to populate virtual worlds with virtual people, living virtual lives.

The Metaverse Mod Squad, creators of avatars for projects like a series of machina "Gossip Girl" episodes, celebrated the closing of their $200K "angel" investment deal in their virtual offices, of course. Remember, every avatar with a job is one less avatar on the streets. By putting avatars to work as greeters, actors, friends for the friendless and so on, they are doing well, by doing good.