
Neotera justice, away!

An elite group of super-rangers are just sitting around, waiting for some kind of emergency so they can rush to the rescue. No, it has nothing to do with The Mattel and Mars Bar Quick Energy Chocobot Hour. A range of new helmet'd heroes has appeared in these new screens for Tomikahiro Resukyufosu DS (Tomy Hero Rescue or something), so action is on the agenda.

What does the Neotera group do, exactly? Well, they handle super-disasters. A regular disaster is child's play. Judging by the images after the break, a flaming building (with faces in the fire) classifies as a super-disaster.

Gameplay looks to be part driving, part mini-games. Seems to be a fairly linear story, with Neotera looking all badass as they handle the problems of the city. Just another seizure-inducing DS game, but all those Power Rangers and Voltron fans always do a double-take when metal jumpsuits are involved.