
Translation issues delay AoC patch notes; community starts their own

Those waiting anxiously for today's Age of Conan patch notes have been left wanting for the last few hours, as the Update Notes forum shows no signs of stirring. An official response was dug up on the German forums, and later confirmed by US community manager "Famine" -- apparently, the cause of the delay is to do with the translation of the patch notes, which must be released in all languages at the same time.

In the meantime, in a similar vein to previous weeks, the community has started up an undocumented patch thread in the forums (from European players who are already playing the new patch since their servers have gone online). However, this week everything is undocumented for now; the OP has promised to sort the thread later on when the official notes come out, removing things that are listed there. If there are enough things that are unique to the community thread at that point, we may revisit it for discussion. Even now, there are some very interesting points in that thread that we would love to bring up, but we'll leave it for you to browse for the time being, and get back to you when the real notes are released.

Update: Patch notes are now available! Dissection coming up.