
AoC dev discusses Necro patch changes and future updates

Monday's Age of Conan patch saw some hefty nerfs to area effect spells for both the Tempest of Set and the Necromancer. System designer "Jayde" decided to elaborate on the Necro changes in the forums, and also to discuss the future updates to the class, which may give some hope to those that were thinking of ditching their mains.

Half of the upcoming changes that Jayde lists nearly made it into Monday's patch, but seeing as they missed that one, they should almost certainly be included this Thursday. It all looks like extremely good stuff for Necros, with many spells getting large damage boosts, as well as increases to the effect of the +magic damage stat to damage-over-times spells, among other things. The second update will give some of the Necro pets splash damage on their attacks. As a general statement, Jayde said that Funcom intends for Necromancers to be "a competitive damage class at the top levels of DPS", and will make adjustments until this proves to be true; in other words, hang in there guys!